Guidelines for Sharing the Path
General Guidelines
Look carefully before entering or crossing the bikeway.
Pass on the left, only when safe. Give an audible warning before passing another bikeway user.
Make a complete stop at all intersections.
When stopping for a while, move off the pavement to allow other bikeway users to pass.
Yield to emergency and maintenance vehicles.
For bikeway updates on the web, see News and Events on this website.
Suggestions for negotiating the gap in the path throught Arlington Center
Helmets are recommended for all cyclists and required by state law for children under 17.
Stop your bicycle, if necessary, to yield or to prevent an accident. Bicyclists must yield to pedestrians.
Bicyclists may ride two-abreast only when safe (when the bikeway is uncrowded). Never ride three-or-more-abreast.
Bicycle headlight is required when riding at night.
Ride at a safe speed. (When the bikeway is crowded, you might need to slow down.)
Walking / Jogging
Keep to the right when walking or running on the path.
Look before entering the bikeway or changing direction.
Don’t walk or run more than two abreast.
In-Line Skating
Helmets, kneepads, and wristguards are advised.
Keep to the right so that other users may pass safely.
Skate single-file when the bikeway is busy.
Skate at a safe speed, and be prepared to stop suddenly.
Common Courtesy
Do not litter or trespass on private property.
Keep your dog on a leash. Pick up after your dog.
Respect other bikeway users. Share the path.
Volunteers from the Explorer Scouts help patrol the bikeway during the summer months.