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The Minuteman Bikeway is a Millennium Trail, designated by the White House.

Minuteman Milestones

Train Shed

This 1954 photograph shows a steam locomotive passing under the Lexington Center Depot’s train shed. Today, the Minuteman Bikeway passes through this railroad structure. (Photo courtesy of Mystic Valley Railway Society.)

1775 American Revolution started along the historic corridor where Minuteman Bikeway passes today.
1846 Railroad built, providing both passenger and freight service.
1974 Concept first proposed to convert the rail corridor to a commuter bicycle path.
1977 Regular passenger rail service ended.
1981 ail service discontinued
1991 Final plan for rail-trail conversion approved, and construction started on Minuteman Commuter Bikeway.
1992 Minuteman Bikeway officially dedicated and named the 500th rail-trail in USA (by Rails-to-Trails Conservancy).
1993 Bikeway construction completed between Bedford Depot and Varnum St., East Arlington.
1994 Bikeway honored for Urban Design Excellence, Boston Society of Architects.
1998 Bikeway extended from East Arlington to Alewife Station in Cambridge.
2000 Minuteman Bikeway recognized as a Millennium Trail by the White House and Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. (The Millennium Trails program recognizes, promotes, and supports trails as a means to preserve open space, interpret history and culture, and enhance community recreation and tourism.)
2002 Minuteman Bikeway website launched. Bikeway entirely repaved in Arlington.
2003 Minuteman Bikeway named "Trail of the Month" by Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) in April. Bikeway tour hosted for attendees of RTC's national conference in June.
2004 Bedford Depot Park enhancement project completed at the west terminus of the Minuteman Bikeway.
2006 More than 1,350 rail-trails now developed across USA, with even more coming soon!
2008 Minuteman Bikeway inducted into the national Rail-Trail Hall of Fame.
2012 Arlington, Lexington and Bedford receive a grant from the DCR to improve Bikeway user information. New Bikeway Brochure published.